Even as I am writing this post, I am actually exhausted!!! I mean this is not that first time that I am facing a situation like this or you are reading about an incident like this. This is what happened the other day. Six of us (all girls) head to the Lotus Temple, New Delhi. It is a popular tourist attraction and a place of worship for the people belonging to the Bahai religion. So we went there, to have fun, look around and have a good time. This is what happened and the exact opposite of a "Good-Time" is what happened to us.
The six of us walked into the premise. A man and his group of friends walking towards us, had his cell phone camera faced towards us. My friend, approached him and found out that he was recording a video of us so she deleted the video, yelled at him. We brushed it off and walked ahead.. Ten steps ahead, three school boys did the same. We scolded them and even though irritated, we let it go. Just as we'd dealt with them and were walking by, a man took a picture of me in his cell phone. That was it...I lost my cool. I grabbed the phone from his hand and of course, he began denying but before anything...I had called for the security and a small crowd gathered there. The security came in and took away that man's phone. I checked his "Images" folder and there I was, along with so many other women who had no idea a part of them was captured in his phone. I yelled at that man, my friends yelled at him. The security yelled at him... He began to get a little frightened. The security advised us to give the phone to the police who stand at the entrance/exit and if that man wanted his phone back, he should deal with the cops himself. As we walked ahead, that man kept apologizing and begging for forgiveness. My friends suggested that I give the phone back to him. I didn't want to but on second thoughts, I gave it back. I knew he wouldn't be punished and I knew he wouldn't think twice about doing something like this again. It was totally futile. That very moment, I felt completely drained and exhausted!
Picture yourself in my place. You go out to have a good time with your friends and then instead, you have to hear lewd comments, have people stare at you, have them harass you(some times molest/assault) you and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Really....yeah, so I raise a cry and hue about it and that particular man gets punished, you think after a week or so you will not hear about a north-east woman being raped or assaulted again? This has to stop. This is wrong but It won't. It won't because the people from our very own country have this attitude....."Oh...Delhi is like that only!" or "Who told those girls to go by themselves?" or some will actually question "What were those girls wearing? Were they decent enough?" Well, If Delhi is like this, then It should not be called a metropolitan city, It should be called a jungle cause It's sure inhabited by such low, cheap and illiterate animals who think and commit such crimes; And why were we girls by ourselves???? We were six of us! Aren't you the ones who raise a brow or two when you see boys and girls hanging out together. (It is not our culture) Don't you say those very lines???; Lastly, this is a free country. If I walk around in a bikini, technically, I am still clothed and that is not an excuse to rape or molest women!
The ironic thing is how easily and quickly these very people cry foul when Indians are discriminated abroad!!! I have said this time and again, this is funny! This is beyond funny...It is shameless!!!! There should be a law. If a man is caught red handed teasing/molesting/harassing a woman or women, he should be put behind bars immediately. If It is rape, wait only until the medical report and if the DNA belongs to the culprit, hang the man! How can rape ever be an accident? Like what??? Your johnson by-mistake fell into her vagina???? Give me a break!!!!!! Men who treat women like this should be shot right between the eye! They should be kicked so hard in the balls; they should be tortured to death. Yes, Harsh Punishment is the word. All you people who think I am being harsh, think about what you would do If someone actually raped your mother/sister/wife/girlfriend....What would you do If someone passed lewd comments and took pictures without their permission. Yeah, right you would stand there and play it cool, wouldn't you??? damn right!!!!
Harsh Punishment is what they deserve!!!! I know this will not stop here. It has to go on....like as If It is the most natural thing for it to happen. Screw you fucking assholes...you spastic motherfuckers! Give me a gun right now and I will hunt that mofo and shoot him. Sick, fuck, disgusting, twisted assholes...you deserve to die!!!!!!!
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